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The only prison where bad girls pay the price for their crimes.
The prisoner of BARS and STRIPES - Jadie Reece

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Profile: Jadie Reece
Sentence: 5 years for fraud
Background: Jadie grew up in South East London, where she had a pretty stable upbringing from her parents. Although she never came top of the class, Jadie knew what her skills were and became a streetwise teenager. At 18 she got a job in a high street clothing shop, and quickly moved up the ranks and by the time she got to prison she was running her own store. Her only weakness is laziness, and it was this that put the police on to her. She had been getting customer’s credit information for years and had never been caught – until one day when a police officer was served by her and saw the dodgy equipment behind the counter. She was arrested the next day, and before she could think her way out she was facing 5 years in prison. In prison, Jadie makes a fast enemy of Woods, who sees through her innocent act straight away. The officers are convinced Jadie is a bit slow, but Jadie is actually quite manipulative and uses charm and “innocence” to get what she wants…

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