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The only prison where bad girls pay the price for their crimes.
The prisoner of BARS and STRIPES - Leia-Ann Woods

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Profile: Leia-Ann Woods
Sentence: 10 years for masterminding Husband Charlie’s criminal activities in south London.
Background: She was known to be an organic chemistry specialist and was caught. Leia spent 7 years at a girl’s boarding school before leaving with four A-levels. Whilst at school she was intelligent but bored easily and was known to be highly disruptive. She was sent to a reformatory for girls over a summer period prior to completion of study. She went to University where she graduated with a master’s degree in Chemistry. At university she met her now husband Charlie, son of a well known gangster in South London. They married upon graduation and Leia and Charlie took over the “business” when Charlie’s father died. A rival gang alerted the police of some of the Wood’s activities and Leia took the rap for everything – she was caught synthesising illegal compounds. Now inside prison, Leia quickly establishes herself as Top Dog. She is tough and doesn’t seem to let the guards break her, but she is warm to prisoners and will look after the weaker girls, provided they are on her side and not the “Screws” – people Leia despises. Leia is frequently punished in prison for refusing to bow to the system and forms an enemy almost immediately with the matron; someone who takes great pleasure, when given the chance, to inform Leia of Charlie’s imminent sentencing. Without Charlie’s help from the outside, will Leia be able to hold her title of Top-Dog?

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