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The only prison where bad girls pay the price for their crimes.
The prisoner of BARS and STRIPES - Hannah Martin

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Profile: Hannah Martin
Sentence: 1 year for soliciting
Background: Hannah was brought up in a working class family and has largely fended for herself since the age of sixteen, after her mother and father split form each other. She was unable to go to college and as such has had a series of unpleasant jobs. She began soliciting once a week as a sure way of making her rent money, but quickly realised that this job earns her far more than packing shelves in a supermarket and feels this way she might improve her quality of life. She is known to the police for activities on the street and after several warnings was arrested and sent to prison for a year, where it was hoped an example may be set of her. On arrival in prison, Hannah puts up a tough front but the guards are able to quieten her down with some stern punishment upon intake. Once used to her routine she is quite a tough one for one so young, and does not appreciate the strict manner in which this prison is run – not a patch on her remand prison. Hannah realises that survival is the key, but who will she use to help her survive; the Guards, Matron or Leia?

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